Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Comment by James on rats

Comment by James
December 22, 2008 06:39 PM

Once again well said and thank God for people like you Mr. Paul!

I will once again tell everyone that will bother to listen "every single time a new law hits the books another precious piece of freedon is lost!"

Wake up America! It is time to take back control of our government on all levels with any means necessary!

Do not for one minute think that government has or ever had our best interest at heart! If you do, you need an immediate brain transplant! There is only one question that you need to ask yourself to prove what I am telling you.

Why does our government continue to bail out the very theives that created this mess we are in today?

The answer is simple! One rat cannot afford to rat out another rat! That's right! It would expose a scandulous regime that would shake this country to it's very roots! In other words, every bum politician except a very few have their hand in someone elses back pocket! This is why the mess continues on!

Thanks for listening.


Liberty and freedom at all costs!

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