It never fails to amaze me how the Jesse Jackson’s and Al Sharpton’s of the world, accomplished slime balls in their own right, get away with attacking and destroying comedians and entertainers who are merely equal-opportunity offenders, while practically no one in the establishment or the media bothers to point out the obvious hypocrisy of these black bums: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are not only crude racists, bigots, and outright pigs, but they’re the worst form of left-wing scum to have ever collaborated against thier own black American brothers and sisters. Rich, powerful white leftists owe a debt of gratitude to sly political black operatives such as Sharpton and Jackson who, year after year, continue to aid in the indoctrination, brainwashing, and exploitation of black people by the socialist authoritarian establishment.
We all know how The Great Society only decimated the black American family unit, how welfare and social programs have created millions of disempowered black dependents, and how high taxes, fiat money, high regulation, and minimum wage laws, all tools of the financial elites, have only prevented black Americans from moving up faster in the world. Yet year after year, week after week, Sharpton and Jackson pound away at their media pulpits, demanding more affirmative action, more special victim treatment, more handouts for Uncle Tom’s, and more black corporate welfare, while their people’s progress continues to bog down in the terrible welfare-warfare state.
I refuse to let traitorous niggers like Jackson and Sharpton off the hook (Only the N-word does justice to these traitors to the black people. Why should only black people get to use the N-word?--that's racism.). Jackson, after all, is the wonderful black leader who infamously referred to New York City as “Hymie Town”, and has cavorted with such tyrants and murderers as Fidel Castro, Yasser Arafat, Muamar Ghaddafi, Hugo Chavez and Kofi Annan, and also is the black "Christian" "Man of God” best known for numerous sex flings with young nubian aspiring urban professional groupies. Sharpton, as most New Yorkers know, is equally notorious for faking the rapes of young teenage girls, inciting black-on-Jew rioting, and representing predatory lenders when they wanted to get a bigger share of the African-American loan market.
I would never choose the cleaning ladies that Jackson and Sharpton like to hang out with. Of course the Rutgers Ladies basketball team are not nappy headed ho’s, although Don Imus was right that they should have won that game against Tennessee. The real Nappy Headed Ho’s of our society are all the Gwen Ifill’s, black female Stalin-wanna-be Congresswomen, and other black power females who support and collaborate with the left-wing authoritarian system instead of denouncing and fighting it.
Don Imus’ choice of language wasn’t wrong, he just stupidly targeted the wrong black people. When you want to call people cleaning ladies, nappy headed ho’s and niggers, you better be damn sure you pick the ones who really deserve it. There are very few regular black people who deserve it, but unfortunately many of our so-called black leaders do, and richly. The real embarrassment of the Don Imus Affair is not his choice of language or his choice to offend minorities and even young women, or his mistake of apologizing and caving for what was just an inconsequential comedy routine, but the extent to which Jackson and Sharpton and Ifill and other black leadership niggers will exploit such things, and the fact that almost everyone in this society is letting them get away with it.
We all know how The Great Society only decimated the black American family unit, how welfare and social programs have created millions of disempowered black dependents, and how high taxes, fiat money, high regulation, and minimum wage laws, all tools of the financial elites, have only prevented black Americans from moving up faster in the world. Yet year after year, week after week, Sharpton and Jackson pound away at their media pulpits, demanding more affirmative action, more special victim treatment, more handouts for Uncle Tom’s, and more black corporate welfare, while their people’s progress continues to bog down in the terrible welfare-warfare state.
I refuse to let traitorous niggers like Jackson and Sharpton off the hook (Only the N-word does justice to these traitors to the black people. Why should only black people get to use the N-word?--that's racism.). Jackson, after all, is the wonderful black leader who infamously referred to New York City as “Hymie Town”, and has cavorted with such tyrants and murderers as Fidel Castro, Yasser Arafat, Muamar Ghaddafi, Hugo Chavez and Kofi Annan, and also is the black "Christian" "Man of God” best known for numerous sex flings with young nubian aspiring urban professional groupies. Sharpton, as most New Yorkers know, is equally notorious for faking the rapes of young teenage girls, inciting black-on-Jew rioting, and representing predatory lenders when they wanted to get a bigger share of the African-American loan market.
I would never choose the cleaning ladies that Jackson and Sharpton like to hang out with. Of course the Rutgers Ladies basketball team are not nappy headed ho’s, although Don Imus was right that they should have won that game against Tennessee. The real Nappy Headed Ho’s of our society are all the Gwen Ifill’s, black female Stalin-wanna-be Congresswomen, and other black power females who support and collaborate with the left-wing authoritarian system instead of denouncing and fighting it.
Don Imus’ choice of language wasn’t wrong, he just stupidly targeted the wrong black people. When you want to call people cleaning ladies, nappy headed ho’s and niggers, you better be damn sure you pick the ones who really deserve it. There are very few regular black people who deserve it, but unfortunately many of our so-called black leaders do, and richly. The real embarrassment of the Don Imus Affair is not his choice of language or his choice to offend minorities and even young women, or his mistake of apologizing and caving for what was just an inconsequential comedy routine, but the extent to which Jackson and Sharpton and Ifill and other black leadership niggers will exploit such things, and the fact that almost everyone in this society is letting them get away with it.
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