Thursday, January 08, 2009

A sidenote to single women who can’t find decent guys, by Adam B. Dada

A sidenote to single women who can’t find decent guys, by Adam B. Dada
(libertarian men and women)
Usually this section covers the topic of being a man, but today I’m jumping on the other side of the War of the Sexes. I’d say my ratio of male to female friends is around 50/50. Most of my male friends have companions of some sort: the wife, the girlfriend, or the girl in every port for the rock star types. On the other hand, I have quite a few attractive, sincere and caring femme buddies who are hopelessly single, it seems.
Not everyone is looking for Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now, but it seems that there is a dearth of decent guys in the cities I visit. I never had any decent advice for women wanting to meet guys, because it is that much harder for a lovely lady to get up the nerve to talk to men it seems. We of the risk-taking sex do a much better job of jumping up and saying “hi” than those who tend to wear makeup and pretty dresses do.
It was after reading an article this morning that I found the answer. Over at Blagnet, blogger John offered me the muse for this article in his own post titled Libertarian girls. John opines:
I don’t know many libertarian girls. I don’t know many girls who even have any libertarian leanings, much less girls who would be described as libertarians. My current girlfriend isn’t. She is fairly non-political, though, which is the next-best thing.
It’s so true. And that’s where this idea comes to mind, my new answer for “Where are all the nice guys at?” that I hear so frequently from the females in my life that are not what I’m looking for in a woman: learn about libertarianism.
I’m not saying become a radical anarcho-capitalist like myself, or even become a libertarian. Just learn about freedom. Libertarian guys tend to be quite different than the typical conservative/liberal man. I’m not saying we’re better, but accepting the cause for liberty means the guy has taken a few steps that the typically political guy hasn’t.
Libertarian men are thinkers. You don’t become a libertarian without researching and debating the ideas. We’ve all read the basic books, and talked the points on the various online forums and blogs, and maybe even got involved in some real life gatherings with like-minded individuals. Unlike the typical “Bomb Iraq” Conservative or “Teach kids about homosexuality” Liberal who just jumps on the bandwagon, libertarians men have actually thought through the processes of what they’re asking of society. This means not only will you have someone interesting to talk to, but you’ll have someone who actually thinks about what you have to say.
Libertarian men are well read and probably good writers. When you join the camp of freedom lovers, you quickly find volumes of amazing writings on every topic imaginable. We libertarian guys understand the fears of the conservatives and liberals because we’ve read through the entire benefit/loss theory. Many of us have even written our own thoughts, whether in blog form, an email to friends, or the infrequent Letter to the Editor where we ranted and moaned about the latest half percent sales tax increase in our county. However you look at it, we’re educated through our reading and our writing.
Libertarian men tend to be responsible. This isn’t to say we’re all 100% debt free and earn a great living, but when someone accepts liberty as the answer, we realize that responsibility is the only way to procure a free society. I know a vast number of libertarian guys who earn a subpar income and live with their parents, but they’re working hard to try to reduce their burden on the taxpayer and others. It’s important for a libertarian to live the life they profess others to live, else our steps towards a free society would be lost when people call us hypocrites.
Libertarian men are good listeners. Because the right and the left constantly come up with new thoughts to dispel our theories, we have to listen to what others say so we can share it with our peers who may be better at finding a free solution to a problem that others think government would need to get involved in. You ladies know that the best thing a guy can do is listen, right?
Libertarian men are in high supply. There are a lot of single, libertarian men out there. There are very few libertarian women out there. That means you get your choice of guy. In most markets, say a bar or your classroom, the ratio is fairly even, so you have to try to compete with women who are taller, skinnier, more attractive, wear nicer clothes, put on more makeup, or have more time to do their hair. But throw yourself exactly how you are as you read this into the libertarian camp, and you’ll get more attention than you ever were.
Libertarian men need some female insight. Some women are fixers, meaning they’re great at offering advice and seeing another person shine from it. If there’s one problem with libertarian men, I’d say, it’s that they’re not the keenest dressers, they’re not quite the social butterfly, and they could use a woman’s hand in becoming the man they would love to be. I’ve seen it: the libertarian geek turned into the confident, well-dressed husband because a woman took the time to hold his hand and give him some pointers. If you trust only one thing I say here, trust this: us libertarian guys would LOVE your advice, so don’t be afraid to share it.
Now I know this ends up sounding like group-think, something I definitely don’t like. It is, in a way, because the stereotypical libertarian male really does tend to fit into a particular type. Not all of us are this way, and there are bad seeds in every crowd, but if you’re single and wondering where all the great guys are, here’s the answer: Learn about liberty.
You don’t have to become a libertarian, but if you know the talking points, and can handle the conversation, you’ll be more than welcome into the freedom circles.
You can start by checking out a few books listed here, all of which are great, simple primers on liberty and libertarianism. I’m sure any libertarian man you meet will have read a good number of them. Remember, we’re well read.
Click to visit the Amazon page for that item.

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